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Showing posts from September, 2012


The Future Conditional The future conditional describes something that might happen in the future with a condition. It often uses "if." Examples: If I go to the park tomorrow, I will bring my dog. "If I go to the park tomorrow" is in the present tense.


Reported Speech / Indirect Speech When someone says something, how do you describe it to another person? This lesson will focus on reported speech, or you can call it "indirect speech." Direct speech: "This meat smells bad," said Tom. Indirect Speech: Tom said that the meat smelled bad. Notice that the spoken words are in quotation marks: "This meat smells bad." The verb "smells" is in the present tense. It changes to "smelled" -- the past tense. The chart below shows the sequence of tenses and how verbs change when using indirect speech: The Sequence of Tenses Original Tense Changed to.... Present Past Present Continuous Past Continuous Past Past Perfect Present Perfect Past Perfect will would can could may might Practice. Write your answers on a piece of paper. Then look below for the correct verb choices. "I will be ready by 10:00" She said that she ______ be ready by 10:00. ...


Understanding the sequence of tenses will help you do many things: It helps you explain what someone else said (indirect quotations) It helps you with conditional sentences (using the word "if") It helps you make sentences using the word "wish" Here are some examples: Someone says, "I need to go to the store." She said that she needed to go to the store. You change "need" to "needed" but the situation is still in the present. This is a strange thing about English, but many Americans do this properly without thinking about it. Here's another example: If you could meet me at the airport, I would be grateful. In this situation, "can" changes to "could." Why? Because "if" is present and the sentence is conditional. We will practice conditional sentences in Lessons 11, 12, and 13. Here's an example using "wish": I wish I had been at the party last night. This senten...

Adverb Clauses

Adverb clauses provide information about other parts of the sentence. They explain why, when, and under which conditions something happens. These examples help understand their use: why: I quit my job because I didn't like the company. when: Apples are picked after they ripen.


HEART! It is very complicated and mystery. Have you ever heard your heart say? Have you ever talk to your heart? can you hear the voice? can we lie our heart? I think, all of us almost ever have experience what I asked above. You know, it's very difficult to lie our heart, isn't it? but sometime, we have difficult problem to differ which the whisper of heart from the devil whisper. how come? It's so complicated to explained. Actually, we cannot lie our heart. It is so heart if you try to lie your heart self. I can't imagine. Why? You know, I myself tried to lie my heart, but the impact of this  work, you will not excited or anxious, your heart always say that you have done something bad. at that time, you gonna feel sorry..."HEART IS A MYSTERIOUS AND COMPLICATED TO PREDICTABLE."


Today, it was a very very bad day for me. I didn't know what's the matter with me. I felt no spirit, no passion and so on. it was no spirit to work. You know, when I came to my school, I felt so happy first. But when i came into the class to teach my student. I felt strange, I didn't know what should I teach. How could I start this lesson. I really really didn't know. so, i tried to teach my student with the simple work, not as usual. i just sat at the back and talked to a few students. asked them, a few questions and so on. I didn't know what happened to me, today. no passion, no spirit. but in fact, some of my friends felt the same feeling as me. I thought something happened with us today. I hope, you don't have a problem like us today. I hope you enjoy   your work, your life to see the people moreover the people that you teach them. YOU ARE AS A TEACHER...!!!


Beberapa hari ini,  aku mengalami persoalan dengan komputerku. Disaat menghidupkan komputer ku itu, tiba-tiba saja ada tulisan "operating system error" kaya'nya ada kerusakan pada OS nya. Aku merasa cemas dan gelisah. sepertinya akan ku ucapkan selamat tinggal pada komputer ku saat itu. Aku sendiri tidak tahu apa sebenarnya yang terjadi. Hanya saja, sebelum kejadian itu, aku banyak mengutak-atik komputer ku itu dengan berbagai hal. Salah satu yang ku lakukan adalah mengInstal MOZILA terbaru, kedalam komputer ku. Maklum, lagi gratisan! Apa yang terjadi sungguh diluar dugaan ku. komputer ku bisa mengalami kejadian seperti diatas. sebelum adanya tulisan OS yang error, ada tulisan yang muncul ketika aku membuka komputer ku, pada saat restart dan memasuki system windows nya. "WINDOWS - APPLICATION ERROR" dibawahnya ada lagi tulisan "windows aplication sofware unknown exception software 0x40000..." etc, entah bagaimana lagi tulisannya aku lupa. Tapi begitul...


 Imam Syafi'e ketika masih menuntut ilmu, pernah mengeluh kepada gurunya... ".. Wahai, Guru. .....Mengapa ilmu yg sedang kukaji ini susah sekali memahaminya dan bahkan cepat lupa.. ?" Sang guru menjawab, "...Ilmu itu ibarat cahaya. Ia hanya dapat menerangi gelas yang bening dan bersih... " Artinya, ilmu itu tidak akan menerangi hati yang keruh dan banyak maksiatnya...... " Sang Imam juga mengatakan: 1. Menuntut ilmu lebih utama daripada shalat sunah. 2. Barangsiapa menginginkan dunia, ia harus berbekal ilmu dan barangsiapa menginginkan akhirat, juga harus berbekal ilmu.....


Sudah lama tidak menulis, rasanya hari ini ingin menulis. Saudara ku, pernahkah kamu mengalami rasa gelisah karena ketakutan akan dunia yang senantiasa mengejarmu? menjerat leher mu, mengekang jiwa mu? orang yang mengalami hal yang demikian artinya ia sudah sangat jauh dari Tuhannya. ia lupa akan siapa penciptanya. padahal dunia hanyalah tempat persinggahan sementara bagi seorang mu'min. saudara ku, percayalah...jika kita lupa dan senantiasa larut dalam kehidupan dunia yang serba fana ini, sehingga tidak lagi mau untuk beribadah kepada Alloh swt, percayalah...hidup mu akan senantiasa susah dan dirundung nestapa yang mendalam. hidup didunia ini hanyalah sementara. jangan kita pernah merasa hidup didunia ini untuk waktu yang lama. Ada sebuah ungkapan; 'hiduplah semau mu, berbuat dosalah semau mu, berbuat apa sajalah semau mu, tapi ingat...kau akan mati, semua yang kau lakukan akan dibalas'. Jangan pernah

Buku Diktat Mempelajari Bahasa Inggris Dalam Waktu 3 Hari

Okay...bagi kamu-kamu yang berminat untuk belajar bahasa inggris, disini saya ingin berkongsi pengalaman dalam belajar. "Pelajarilah Diktat Bahasa Inggris, berikut ini: 'MENGUASAI BAHASA INGGRIS DALAM WAKTU 3 HARI' bagi yang berminat hub.085252681945. Ayo...buktikan bahwa kamu bisa belajar bahasa inggris hanya dalam waktu 3 hari. Kunjungi juga link berikut ini: Selamat mencoba...!!!