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Showing posts from October, 2012

Serba-Serbi tentang KOMPUTER

Sudah hampir 2 minggu, saya mengalami persoalan dengan komputer pribadi. pertama, persoalan virus yang memang sering mengancam keberadaan komputer kita. sehingga kita harus dengan sangat terpaksa menginstal ulang komputer kita. Saya sendiri sudah hampir 4 kali menginstall ulang. Pertama sekali ingin menggunakan Windows XP SP2, yang sepertinya sesuai dengan komputer yang saya miliki. Namun ternyata, justru banyak persoalan yang timbulkan oleh Windows ini, terutama sekali masalah VIRUS. Selain itu, kita tidak bisa menginstallkan anti virus-anti virus yang bagus dan bisa menghancurkan banyak virus. inilah mungkin sekelumit kelemahan dari XP, Windows ini rentan dengan VIRUS. Jika komputer kita sudah terserang virus, kadang-kadang kita jadi jengkel sendiri. Banyak yang perlu kita perbaiki kalau komputer kita sudah terkena virus, apa lagi jika komputer kita tidak mengupdate anti virusnya. bersambung....


MID SEMESTER Tulisan ini hanya sekedar untuk menghibur, namun boleh juga dijadikan penghibur dikala gundah. Foto ini adalah foto dimana anak anak SMA yang sedang mengerjakan soal MID semester dihari ketiga bulan ke sepuluh, atau tepatnya tgl.10 bulan sepuluh, 2012 dihari Rabu. Kita bisa melihat betapa susahnya mereka mengerjakan soal. sampai-sampai memegang kepala. Saking sulitnya barangkali memikirkan jawabannya. Inilah cerminan anak-anak generasi bangsa, yang perlu kita bimbing kearah yang lebih baik, agar menjadi generasi yang handal dan dapat dibanggakan oleh para generasi tua setelahnya. Haruskah kita mempersulit mereka dengan memberikan soal-soal yang rumit untuk menambah rumitnya persoalan yang mereka hadapi dimasa mendatang?


SOAL UNTUK MID SEMESTER BAHASA INGGRIS untuk anak SMA. A. TULISKANLAH KEMBALI DATA-DATA BERIKUT INI DENGAN KATA-KATA MU SENDIRI, ANGGAP SAJA ANDA BERPERAN SEBAGAI ORANG YANG ADA DALAM DATA TERSEBUT! B. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini berdasarkan data Anda diatas! (Answer the following questions based on your own Data Above) 1. What is your name?                  6. Are you 20 years old?                   11. What is your home Address? 2. What is your full name?             7. How old are you?                         12. What is your hobby? 3. Is your first name, John?           8. Are you a Doctor?                        13. What is your favorite music? 4. What is your first name?       ...

USING "WISH" in Sentence

Using "Wish" Similar to conditional sentences are those that use "wish" to express something isn't true now, or it wasn't true in the past. To make sentences with "wish" properly, a knowledge of the Sequence of Tenses is important. I wish I had more money. (This describes a present situation. In fact, I don't have more money.) She wishes he would


by SMK STUDENTS in the morning, my family go to the market. my mother buy a hat, bowl, banana and sunflower. my father and i look at the bus and see my uncle and his pets. his pets are cat, dog, mouse and elephant. he loves them very much. the air of the day is very hot. i want to brush my hand, but the water is yellow. in the afternoon, i and my sister look at library, the window and door are red, the library is ship. I want to borrow book and dictionary. I take my book and pen on the table, and sit down on the chair. In the evening, my family will go home with the car. the car run to speed, we watch TV in the car.


The Past Conditional The past conditional describes a past situation that never happened, or it did happen and the person speaking is describing the possibility of something not happening in the past. This is also called the past unreal or the past contrary-to-fact. Here's an example: If I had gone to that party, I would have had a good time. (situation: I didn't go to the party; therefore, I didn't have a good time.) "If I had gone to that party" uses the past perfect in this part of the sentence. "I would have had a good time" is the likely result. Sometimes you can do this without "if" and just use the past perfect: Had I heard the weather report, I would have taken an umbrella. or.... If I had heard the weather report, I would have taken an umbrella. These are both good sentences, but the second one is used more often. Here are some more examples: If she had been more careful, she wouldn't have spilled her c...


The Present Conditional The present conditional describes a situation now that isn't true or isn't happening. Teachers also call this the present unreal or present contrary-to-fact. Example: If I had a million dollars, I would give it away to all my friends. "If I had a million dollars" is in the past tense, but it describe a possible situation (or impossible) situation in the present. "I would give it away to all my friends" tells the outcome of the condition. You can use "would," "could," "might," or "should" in these kinds of sentences. This next sentence uses the verb "be" in the present conditional: I wouldn't do that if I were you. Well, I'm not you, so this describes a situation that is not true. Notice that "were" is used with "i." Isn't that strange? But it's correct. Here are some more examples: